
class eland.Series(client=None, index_pattern=None, name=None, index_field=None, query_compiler=None)

pandas.Series like API that proxies into Elasticsearch index(es).

client : eland.Client

A reference to a Elasticsearch python client

index_pattern : str

An Elasticsearch index pattern. This can contain wildcards.

index_field : str

The field to base the series on

See also



If the Elasticsearch index is deleted or index mappings are changed after this object is created, the object is not rebuilt and so inconsistencies can occur.


>>> ed.Series(client='localhost', index_pattern='flights', name='Carrier')
0         Kibana Airlines
1        Logstash Airways
2        Logstash Airways
3         Kibana Airlines
4         Kibana Airlines
13054    Logstash Airways
13055    Logstash Airways
13056    Logstash Airways
13057            JetBeats
13058            JetBeats
Name: Carrier, Length: 13059, dtype: object