
Series.rename(self, new_name)

Rename name of series. Only column rename is supported. This does not change the underlying Elasticsearch index, but adds a symbolic link from the new name (column) to the Elasticsearch field name.

For instance, if a field was called ‘total_quantity’ it could be renamed ‘Total Quantity’.

new_name: str

eland.Series with new name.


>>> df = ed.DataFrame('localhost', 'flights')
>>> df.Carrier
0         Kibana Airlines
1        Logstash Airways
2        Logstash Airways
3         Kibana Airlines
4         Kibana Airlines
13054    Logstash Airways
13055    Logstash Airways
13056    Logstash Airways
13057            JetBeats
13058            JetBeats
Name: Carrier, Length: 13059, dtype: object
>>> df.Carrier.rename('Airline')
0         Kibana Airlines
1        Logstash Airways
2        Logstash Airways
3         Kibana Airlines
4         Kibana Airlines
13054    Logstash Airways
13055    Logstash Airways
13056    Logstash Airways
13057            JetBeats
13058            JetBeats
Name: Airline, Length: 13059, dtype: object