import eland as ed
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Fix console size for consistent test results
from eland.conftest import *

Online Retail Analysis#

Getting Started#

To get started, let’s create an eland.DataFrame by reading a csv file. This creates and populates the online-retail index in the local Elasticsearch cluster.

df = ed.csv_to_eland("data/online-retail.csv.gz",

Here we see that the "_id" field was used to index our data frame.


Next, we can check which field from elasticsearch are available to our eland data frame. columns is available as a parameter when instantiating the data frame which allows one to choose only a subset of fields from your index to be included in the data frame. Since we didn’t set this parameter, we have access to all fields.

Index(['Country', 'CustomerID', 'Description', 'InvoiceDate', 'InvoiceNo', 'Quantity', 'StockCode',

Now, let’s see the data types of our fields. Running df.dtypes, we can see that elasticsearch field types are mapped to pandas field types.

Country         object
CustomerID     float64
Description     object
InvoiceDate     object
InvoiceNo       object
Quantity         int64
StockCode       object
UnitPrice      float64
dtype: object

We also offer a .es_info() data frame method that shows all info about the underlying index. It also contains information about operations being passed from data frame methods to elasticsearch. More on this later.

es_index_pattern: online-retail
 es_index_field: _id
 is_source_field: False
            es_field_name  is_source es_dtype es_date_format pd_dtype  is_searchable  is_aggregatable  is_scripted aggregatable_es_field_name
Country           Country       True  keyword           None   object           True             True        False                    Country
CustomerID     CustomerID       True   double           None  float64           True             True        False                 CustomerID
Description   Description       True  keyword           None   object           True             True        False                Description
InvoiceDate   InvoiceDate       True  keyword           None   object           True             True        False                InvoiceDate
InvoiceNo       InvoiceNo       True  keyword           None   object           True             True        False                  InvoiceNo
Quantity         Quantity       True     long           None    int64           True             True        False                   Quantity
StockCode       StockCode       True  keyword           None   object           True             True        False                  StockCode
UnitPrice       UnitPrice       True   double           None  float64           True             True        False                  UnitPrice
 tasks: []
 size: None
 sort_params: None
 _source: ['Country', 'CustomerID', 'Description', 'InvoiceDate', 'InvoiceNo', 'Quantity', 'StockCode', 'UnitPrice']
 body: {}
 post_processing: []

Selecting and Indexing Data#

Now that we understand how to create a data frame and get access to it’s underlying attributes, let’s see how we can select subsets of our data.

head and tail#

much like pandas, eland data frames offer .head(n) and .tail(n) methods that return the first and last n rows, respectively.

Country CustomerID ... StockCode UnitPrice
0 United Kingdom 17850.0 ... 85123A 2.55
1 United Kingdom 17850.0 ... 71053 3.39

2 rows × 8 columns

es_index_pattern: online-retail
 es_index_field: _id
 is_source_field: False
            es_field_name  is_source es_dtype es_date_format pd_dtype  is_searchable  is_aggregatable  is_scripted aggregatable_es_field_name
Country           Country       True  keyword           None   object           True             True        False                    Country
CustomerID     CustomerID       True   double           None  float64           True             True        False                 CustomerID
Description   Description       True  keyword           None   object           True             True        False                Description
InvoiceDate   InvoiceDate       True  keyword           None   object           True             True        False                InvoiceDate
InvoiceNo       InvoiceNo       True  keyword           None   object           True             True        False                  InvoiceNo
Quantity         Quantity       True     long           None    int64           True             True        False                   Quantity
StockCode       StockCode       True  keyword           None   object           True             True        False                  StockCode
UnitPrice       UnitPrice       True   double           None  float64           True             True        False                  UnitPrice
 tasks: [('tail': ('sort_field': '_doc', 'count': 2)), ('head': ('sort_field': '_doc', 'count': 2)), ('tail': ('sort_field': '_doc', 'count': 2))]
 size: 2
 sort_params: {'_doc': 'desc'}
 _source: ['Country', 'CustomerID', 'Description', 'InvoiceDate', 'InvoiceNo', 'Quantity', 'StockCode', 'UnitPrice']
 body: {}
 post_processing: [('sort_index'), ('head': ('count': 2)), ('tail': ('count': 2))]

Country CustomerID ... StockCode UnitPrice
12498 United Kingdom 16710.0 ... 20975 0.65
12499 United Kingdom 16710.0 ... 22445 2.95

2 rows × 8 columns

Selecting columns#

you can also pass a list of columns to select columns from the data frame in a specified order.

df[['Country', 'InvoiceDate']].head(5)
Country InvoiceDate
0 United Kingdom 2010-12-01 08:26:00
1 United Kingdom 2010-12-01 08:26:00
2 United Kingdom 2010-12-01 08:26:00
3 United Kingdom 2010-12-01 08:26:00
4 United Kingdom 2010-12-01 08:26:00

5 rows × 2 columns

Boolean Indexing#

we also allow you to filter the data frame using boolean indexing. Under the hood, a boolean index maps to a terms query that is then passed to elasticsearch to filter the index.

# the construction of a boolean vector maps directly to an elasticsearch query
{'term': {'Country': 'Germany'}}
Country CustomerID ... StockCode UnitPrice
1109 Germany 12662.0 ... 22809 2.95
1110 Germany 12662.0 ... 84347 2.55
1111 Germany 12662.0 ... 84945 0.85
1112 Germany 12662.0 ... 22242 1.65
1113 Germany 12662.0 ... 22244 1.95

5 rows × 8 columns

we can also filter the data frame using a list of values.

print(df['Country'].isin(['Germany', 'United States']))
df[df['Country'].isin(['Germany', 'United Kingdom'])].head(5)
{'terms': {'Country': ['Germany', 'United States']}}
Country CustomerID ... StockCode UnitPrice
0 United Kingdom 17850.0 ... 85123A 2.55
1 United Kingdom 17850.0 ... 71053 3.39
2 United Kingdom 17850.0 ... 84406B 2.75
3 United Kingdom 17850.0 ... 84029G 3.39
4 United Kingdom 17850.0 ... 84029E 3.39

5 rows × 8 columns

We can also combine boolean vectors to further filter the data frame.

df[(df['Country']=='Germany') & (df['Quantity']>90)]
Country CustomerID ... StockCode UnitPrice

0 rows × 8 columns

Using this example, let see how eland translates this boolean filter to an elasticsearch bool query.

print(df[(df['Country']=='Germany') & (df['Quantity']>90)].es_info())
es_index_pattern: online-retail
 es_index_field: _id
 is_source_field: False
            es_field_name  is_source es_dtype es_date_format pd_dtype  is_searchable  is_aggregatable  is_scripted aggregatable_es_field_name
Country           Country       True  keyword           None   object           True             True        False                    Country
CustomerID     CustomerID       True   double           None  float64           True             True        False                 CustomerID
Description   Description       True  keyword           None   object           True             True        False                Description
InvoiceDate   InvoiceDate       True  keyword           None   object           True             True        False                InvoiceDate
InvoiceNo       InvoiceNo       True  keyword           None   object           True             True        False                  InvoiceNo
Quantity         Quantity       True     long           None    int64           True             True        False                   Quantity
StockCode       StockCode       True  keyword           None   object           True             True        False                  StockCode
UnitPrice       UnitPrice       True   double           None  float64           True             True        False                  UnitPrice
 tasks: [('boolean_filter': ('boolean_filter': {'bool': {'must': [{'term': {'Country': 'Germany'}}, {'range': {'Quantity': {'gt': 90}}}]}}))]
 size: None
 sort_params: None
 _source: ['Country', 'CustomerID', 'Description', 'InvoiceDate', 'InvoiceNo', 'Quantity', 'StockCode', 'UnitPrice']
 body: {'query': {'bool': {'must': [{'term': {'Country': 'Germany'}}, {'range': {'Quantity': {'gt': 90}}}]}}}
 post_processing: []

Aggregation and Descriptive Statistics#

Let’s begin to ask some questions of our data and use eland to get the answers.

How many different countries are there?


What is the total sum of products ordered?


Show me the sum, mean, min, and max of the qunatity and unit_price fields

df[['Quantity','UnitPrice']].agg(['sum', 'mean', 'max', 'min'])
Quantity UnitPrice
sum 111960.000 61548.490000
mean 7.464 4.103233
max 2880.000 950.990000
min -9360.000 0.000000

Give me descriptive statistics for the entire data frame

CustomerID Quantity UnitPrice
count 10729.000000 15000.000000 15000.000000
mean 15590.776680 7.464000 4.103233
std 1764.189592 85.930116 20.106214
min 12347.000000 -9360.000000 0.000000
25% 14222.249164 1.000000 1.250000
50% 15663.037856 2.000000 2.510000
75% 17219.040670 6.425347 4.210000
max 18239.000000 2880.000000 950.990000

Show me a histogram of numeric columns

df[(df['Quantity']>-50) &
   (df['Quantity']<50) &
   (df['UnitPrice']>0) &
   (df['UnitPrice']<100)][['Quantity', 'UnitPrice']].hist(figsize=[12,4], bins=30)
df[(df['Quantity']>-50) &
   (df['Quantity']<50) &
   (df['UnitPrice']>0) &
   (df['UnitPrice']<100)][['Quantity', 'UnitPrice']].hist(figsize=[12,4], bins=30, log=True)
df.query('Quantity>50 & UnitPrice<100')
Country CustomerID ... StockCode UnitPrice
46 United Kingdom 13748.0 ... 22086 2.55
83 United Kingdom 15291.0 ... 21733 2.55
96 United Kingdom 14688.0 ... 21212 0.42
102 United Kingdom 14688.0 ... 85071B 0.38
176 United Kingdom 16029.0 ... 85099C 1.65
... ... ... ... ... ...
11924 United Kingdom 14708.0 ... 84945 0.72
12007 United Kingdom 18113.0 ... 84946 1.06
12015 United Kingdom 17596.0 ... 17003 0.21
12058 United Kingdom 17596.0 ... 84536A 0.42
12448 EIRE 14911.0 ... 84945 0.85

258 rows × 8 columns

Arithmetic Operations#

Numeric values

0    6
1    6
2    8
3    6
4    6
Name: Quantity, dtype: int64
0    2.55
1    3.39
2    2.75
3    3.39
4    3.39
Name: UnitPrice, dtype: float64
product = df['Quantity'] * df['UnitPrice']
0    15.30
1    20.34
2    22.00
3    20.34
4    20.34
dtype: float64

String concatenation

df['Country'] + df['StockCode']
0        United Kingdom85123A
1         United Kingdom71053
2        United Kingdom84406B
3        United Kingdom84029G
4        United Kingdom84029E
12495     United Kingdom84692
12496     United Kingdom22075
12497     United Kingdom20979
12498     United Kingdom20975
12499     United Kingdom22445
Length: 15000, dtype: object