
eland.pandas_to_eland(pd_df: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, es_client: Union[str, List[str], Tuple[str, ...], elasticsearch.Elasticsearch], es_dest_index: str, es_if_exists: str = 'fail', es_refresh: bool = False, es_dropna: bool = False, es_type_overrides: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None, es_verify_mapping_compatibility: bool = True, thread_count: int = 4, chunksize: Optional[int] = None, use_pandas_index_for_es_ids: bool = True) eland.dataframe.DataFrame#

Append a pandas DataFrame to an Elasticsearch index. Mainly used in testing. Modifies the elasticsearch destination index

es_client: Elasticsearch client argument(s)
  • elasticsearch-py parameters or

  • elasticsearch-py instance

es_dest_index: str

Name of Elasticsearch index to be appended to

es_if_exists{‘fail’, ‘replace’, ‘append’}, default ‘fail’

How to behave if the index already exists.

  • fail: Raise a ValueError.

  • replace: Delete the index before inserting new values.

  • append: Insert new values to the existing index. Create if does not exist.

es_refresh: bool, default ‘False’

Refresh es_dest_index after bulk index

es_dropna: bool, default ‘False’
  • True: Remove missing values (see pandas.Series.dropna)

  • False: Include missing values - may cause bulk to fail

es_type_overrides: dict, default None

Dict of field_name: es_data_type that overrides default es data types

es_verify_mapping_compatibility: bool, default ‘True’
  • True: Verify that the dataframe schema matches the Elasticsearch index schema

  • False: Do not verify schema

thread_count: int

number of the threads to use for the bulk requests

chunksize: int, default None

Number of pandas.DataFrame rows to read before bulk index into Elasticsearch

use_pandas_index_for_es_ids: bool, default ‘True’
  • True: pandas.DataFrame.index fields will be used to populate Elasticsearch ‘_id’ fields.

  • False: Ignore pandas.DataFrame.index when indexing into Elasticsearch


eland.DataFrame referencing data in destination_index

See also


Create a pandas.Dataframe from eland.DataFrame


>>> pd_df = pd.DataFrame(data={'A': 3.141,
...                            'B': 1,
...                            'C': 'foo',
...                            'D': pd.Timestamp('20190102'),
...                            'E': [1.0, 2.0, 3.0],
...                            'F': False,
...                            'G': [1, 2, 3],
...                            'H': 'Long text - to be indexed as es type text'},
...                      index=['0', '1', '2'])
>>> type(pd_df)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
>>> pd_df
       A  B  ...  G                                          H
0  3.141  1  ...  1  Long text - to be indexed as es type text
1  3.141  1  ...  2  Long text - to be indexed as es type text
2  3.141  1  ...  3  Long text - to be indexed as es type text

[3 rows x 8 columns]
>>> pd_df.dtypes
A           float64
B             int64
C            object
D    datetime64[ns]
E           float64
F              bool
G             int64
H            object
dtype: object

Convert pandas.DataFrame to eland.DataFrame - this creates an Elasticsearch index called pandas_to_eland. Overwrite existing Elasticsearch index if it exists if_exists=”replace”, and sync index so it is readable on return refresh=True

>>> ed_df = ed.pandas_to_eland(pd_df,
...                            'http://localhost:9200',
...                            'pandas_to_eland',
...                            es_if_exists="replace",
...                            es_refresh=True,
...                            es_type_overrides={'H':'text'}) # index field 'H' as text not keyword
>>> type(ed_df)
<class 'eland.dataframe.DataFrame'>
>>> ed_df
       A  B  ...  G                                          H
0  3.141  1  ...  1  Long text - to be indexed as es type text
1  3.141  1  ...  2  Long text - to be indexed as es type text
2  3.141  1  ...  3  Long text - to be indexed as es type text

[3 rows x 8 columns]
>>> ed_df.dtypes
A           float64
B             int64
C            object
D    datetime64[ns]
E           float64
F              bool
G             int64
H            object
dtype: object