
Series.floordiv(right: Series) Series#

Return integer division of series and right, element-wise (binary operator floordiv //).

right: eland.Series


>>> df = ed.DataFrame('http://localhost:9200', 'ecommerce').head(5)
>>> df.taxful_total_price
0     36.98
1     53.98
2    199.98
3    174.98
4     80.98
Name: taxful_total_price, dtype: float64
>>> df.total_quantity
0    2
1    2
2    2
3    2
4    2
Name: total_quantity, dtype: int64
>>> df.taxful_total_price // df.total_quantity
0    18.0
1    26.0
2    99.0
3    87.0
4    40.0
dtype: float64